
Sent:                                                        Wednesday, October 10, 2012 1:00 PM

To:                                                            undisclosed-recipients

Subject:                                                  CaUFC Newsletter - October 10, 2012


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October 10, 2012,


Hello Urban Forestry Friends,

Here's what's happening in urban and community forestry:

Gov. Brown Signs Cap & Trade Bills

Sept 30th - Governor Jerry Brown signed AB 1532 (Perez) and SB 535 (De Leon), two bills on Cap and Trade Auction Revenue Allocation.

Over the course of the year, CaUFC has been actively working on this legislation related to cap and trade auction revenue allocation. 

Auction revenue allocation is a separate aspect of AB 32 from the offsets/protocols component and offers an opportunity for funding projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions. 

Revenues from the cap and trade auction are estimated to be around -800 million in fiscal year 2012-13 and progressively rise to billion or more annually over the next 8-10 years. The passing of these bills is positive news for urban forestry in terms of urban forestry funding opportunities and in supporting disadvantaged communities.

Click HERE for more info on AB 1532
Click HERE for more info on SB 535

Thank you to our supporters and partners in
helping to pass these important bills.


WCISA – Calls Out for Board Nominations

WCISA is looking for good people from across the chapter to serve as WCISA Board members.

Get involved by submitting a nomination now.
Nominations must be received by Executive Director, Rose Epperson, no later than November 30, 2012.
Click HERE to self nominate or to nominate a colleague to serve.

Note: All nominations will be vetted by the Nominations Committee


Traditionally Conservative Faith Groups
are working for a healthier planet

Faith groups across party lines are joining the
movement to tackle climate change.

 Traditionally conservative faith groups might be the be the game-changer–providing the needed support for
climate change action. Read more HERE.


Thanks for all you do in support of urban forests!

Sonali Shah
Communications and Outreach Manager
California Urban Forest Council





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