Hello Urban Forest Friends,
Here's what's happening in urban and community forestry news:
The 2012 CA Urban
Forestry Awards
Call Out for Nominations
Nominate your favorite
These awards celebrate excellence in
California Urban Forestry for the calendar year 2011.
Winners will be announced and honored 11/15/12 at the
2012 Partners in Community Forestry Conference in Sacramento.
HERE for the application
deadline is October 8, 2012
Awards notification will be given no later than 10/19/12
Gov. Brown Signs AB
Helps Protect
Jobs & Supports Calif. Timber Industry
Last week, Gov. Brown signed AB 1492 -
A Bill that will make Calif. Timber companies more competitive with
out-of-state businesses and protects jobs.
According to industry analysts, every 10% increase in timber
production in California produces 1,000 to 2,000 new jobs.
California’s 8.7 million acres of private forestland currently
support approximately 22,000 jobs.
And the best
news for us in UF is that there should be some money from the bill
for U&CF projects! Details are still to be
HERE for the full press release
Serve Outside
September (S.O.S) 2012
Find Events
& Share Your Stories
The Children & Nature
Outside September 2012's program is on its way!
Now’s the time
to volunteer or coordinate volunteers to serve the outdoors – community
gardens work days, river clean-ups, trail maintenance, habitat
restorations and more.
More information available HERE
October is
National NeighborWoodsTM Month
Time to Plant
Last year ACTrees National NeighborWoodsTM Month
resulted in over 40,000 trees planted nationally.
This year is
an opportunity for community organizations
to participate
again and create great collective results.
provides resources and help to plan
and promote
your event.
their website at www.NeighborWoodsMonth.org
more information.
Thanks for all you do for
urban and community forestry!
Sonali Shah
Communications and Outreach Manager
California Urban Forest Council