United Voices is now “Invest From the Ground Up – Community Tree Planting” and we are launching our 2013/14 San Francisco Bay Area and Greater Bakersfield Area Projects soon! Click here to learn more.
History of the United Voices Program
United Voices for Healthier Communities has held three major events since its inception in 2007. The first named The Great Clean Air Tree Planting Program, was supported through a grant form the South Coast Air Quality Management District, where over a two year period more than 7,000 trees were planted in Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, and San Bernardino Counties. Thousands of volunteers made the numerous events successful. CalFire and the USDA Forest Service were major contributors as well.
The second event was held in 2010 and named the Healthy CommuniTrees project which achived great success planting more than 5,000 trees at over 90 locations from San Diego north through the Central Valley and west along the Central Coast of CA. Please visit www.unitedvoices.org for more information. This was an ARRA grant projects (Stimulus funds from the Federal government) through a program sponsored by the USDA Forest Service.
Most recently (March 2012) we partnered with the City of Los Angeles's Million Trees LA Campaign and planted 250 street trees along heavily traveled urban corridors with their local nonprofit partners - a great event! Another 300 fruit trees were donated and distibuted by Home Depot to surrounding homeowners. Numerous Certified Arborists volunteered as block captains to make sure the plantings were successful on all three of these significant events! Once again, this project could not have been possible without the consistant and generous sponsorship of the USDA Forest Service Urban & Community Forestry Program.
We welcome sponsorships to enhance the success of future projects. Please call 415-479-8733 for more information.