Ask the Urban Forester

What is an urban forester? Some might say that the term is an oxymoron. Foresters don't belong in the city. Others would say that the urban forest is the most important aspect of a city. Urban foresters are acutely aware of the importance of the trees and other plants in populated areas. Trees bring a multitude of benefits to the population. That may seem obvious on a hot day, but benefits are many and expand each year as plants grow larger. Tree benefits include air purification, water retention, carbon sequestering and of course that life supporting gas we call oxygen. More intangible benefits are also evident, the sense of well being, improved business areas, less crime, greater property values. We tend to forget that plants feed us and clothe us as well as providing cures for health problems. Just the other day I was working on a camphor tree and my sinuses have been clear ever since.

The point of this blog is to answer questions about the urban forest. There are various urban foresters waiting to dispense information. Your questions may be about species selection or tree care, problems with infrastructure or how to plan for the urban forest. Mulch and stumps, trimming and removing, planting and growing, rules and regulations; there are more urban forest subjects than you might think. Ask away.