Trees and Energy Conservation:
Did You Know?

When a tree helps save energy, it doesn't just save dollars and kilowatt-hours. Every bit of energy conserved means fewer greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and fewer air pollutants!

Street scene with large shade trees in LA

Interested in how trees conserve energy?

Find out more here!

CA EnerTrees and Other Shade Tree Programs

Want to plant a tree near your home, business or school? Have a look at the list below to see if there's a shade tree program in your area! The list below isn't just EnerTrees programs -- we've included all kinds of programs throughout California to give you the best chance at getting a shade tree soon.

Want to organize a shade tree program so others can plant trees to conserve energy? Check first to see if there are other programs near you! If not, click here to get started.

Program name Sponsor Tree recipients
Anaheim Tree Power Anaheim Advantage Anaheim Advantage customers
Pasadena Cool Trees Pasadena Power and Water PWP customers
Riverside Tree Power Riverside Public Utilities Riverside Public Utilities customers
Roseville Shade Tree Roseville Electric Roseville Electric customers
Sacramento Shade SMUD and Sacramento Tree Foundation SMUD customers
TID Shade Trees Turlock Irrigation District Water and Power TID customers