Central Coast Urban Forest Council (CCUFC)
Council Contact InformationThe mission of the Central Coast Regional Urban Forest Council (CCUFC) is to promote the health, vitality and stewardship of urban and community forests throughout Monterey, San Benito, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz and Ventura Counties. CCUFC is one of seven Regional Urban Forest Councils, that make up the California Urban Forest Council, the oldest Statewide urban forest advocate.Monthly meetings are held by conference call, with in-person meetings happening once or twice per year. If interested, this is an excellent opportunity to become involved and help increase recognition of the benefits trees provide to our communities. If you are interested, would like more information, or would like to participate in CCUFC activities, feel free to call or contact the following: Jeff Reimer – Interim Chair, jreimer@calpoly.edu, (805) 756-1541