San Diego Regional Urban Forests Council

Water Wise Tree Care

The San Diego Region has a limited water supply.  Dependant not only on local rainfall, but also rain and snow fall from hundreds of miles away, our water situation remains an important issue.  One year we may get little rain during the winter and the next year we may have widespread flooding.  What remains constant is that we have well over 3 million people living in our beautiful, but water-restrictive desert environment.  Trees bring many benefits to the citizens and visitors of our region including:

  • Shading and reducing "urban heat island effect"
  • Aesthetic beauty
  • Reduction of airborne particulates (smog)
  • Lower crime rates
  • Increased property values
  • Increased shopping
  • Reduction of water usage

To bring us all the benefits above (and many more) trees need to be properly irrigated.  The SDRUFC has published a one page set of guidelines for watering your trees in the San Diego region.  It is very important, even in times of drought, to keep your trees watered.  If you replace your lawn with artifical turf, don't forget your trees still need to be watered.  Please view SDRUFC's Water-Wise Tree Care document and distribute freely to your neighbors, friends, and colleagues.