San Diego Regional Urban Forests Council
On-Line Resources
The following links may be of interest to those involved in Urban Forestry. You may also check out our partners page for links to organizations involved with the SDRUFC.
Ask The Expert - A collection of FAQ's, expert video resources, and electronic tree and landscape cart tips an alerts from one of our partners, The Davey Tree Expert Company.
ecoSmart - ecoSmart is a Web-based software program designed to evaluate the economic trade-offs between different landscape practices on residential parcels. The program estimates the impacts of strategic tree placement, rainfall management, and fire prevention practices.
ISA public education and outreach presentations- Free Power Point presentations available for download. Must be an ISA credential holder with username and password to the ISA Website. Download by logging in here.
i-tree – Tools for assessing and managing the community forest. i-tree 3.0 provides significant program updates and is now available.
SDG&E Tree Safety - Home page for SDGE vegetation management, our local utility partner in urban forestry.
SelecTree - Developed by Cal-Poly San Luis Obispo, a great resource for learning about thousands of trees in our area.
Tree Benefit Calculator - Developed through a partnership with Casey Trees and the Davey Tree Expert Company, the National Tree Benefit Calculator allows anyone to make a simple estimation of the benefits individual street trees provide. The calculator is based on information provided by i-tree's i-street (formerly STRATUM) application.