San Diego Regional Urban Forests Council

Regional Urban Forestry Information

Below are a collection of articles or information about Urban Forestry in the San Diego Area 

General Urban Forestry Information
Gold Spotted Oak Borer

SDRUFC Publications
Water Wise Tree Care

Clearance Standards for San Diego County
City of San Diego Urban Forester Position Saved

Trees of Merit

Members of the SDRUFC wrote a series of articles about important Southern California landscape trees for publication in the Society of Municipal Foresters publication, "City Trees."

Coast Live Oak - by Delia Juncal
Chinese Flame Tree - by Vince Mikulanis

Other Articles from our Partners
"Trees Are Good...Especially in Kelowna, British Columbia." -  In this article, Delia Juncal documents her Municipal Forester Exchange experience.

"It's Never Just About the Trees!" - Published in the SMA's "City Trees" Magazine, Delia discusses the true community effort and multiple partnerships that went into beautifying Marlado Highlands park in Oceanside, California on "Make a Difference Day."

"Arbor Day Takes Root in Miracosta College" - SDRUFC Chair Mike Palat and Delia Juncal teach an urban forestry course at a local community college.  This Newsletter brief shows the real world education the students receive and benefits of their active involvement in the program.