San Diego Regional
Urban Forests Council

Our Vision:
Create a cleaner, healthier and more prosperous San Diego by investing in urban trees.
Mission Statement:
SDRUFC is a member driven coalition of agencies, businesses and educators working to improve our urban forest assets. We promote the benefits of trees for a cleaner, healthier and more prosperous San Diego region.
What we do:
We serve, inspire and engage community stakeholders by encouraging:

  • strong collaborations, partnerships and stewardship
  • increase urban forestry awareness and advocacy
  • sustainable public education and policies
  • professional training and resource development

The SDRUFC is very active in the San Diego Region.  We host bimonthly meetings focusing on networking regional professionals and every meeting has an educational presentation.  SDRUFC played a major role in the 2010 United Voices Healthy CommuniTrees program in which nearly 1,000 trees were planted in our region in a single day.  We host multiple arbor day activities and many of our members are available for private or public speaking events in your community.  Please explore our webpage for more information and we hope to see you at an upcoming meeting or event!

New to San Diego is an interactive Urban Forest Map.  This Project of the California Center for Sustainable Energy's Urban Forestry Advice and Technical Assistance Center is an effort to educate and engage the public about our urban forest.  Tree Inventories from over 15 communities have already been entered, and local citizens are encouraged to enter and update information regarding trees in their neighborhoods. Visit The San Diego County Tree Map today!

The SDRUFC has published a Clearance Standards for Trees in San Diego.  This document represents months of review and editing by our team of professionals.  These standards serve as a guide for property owners and tree care professionals regarding pruning and clearances to be obtained during the course of tree work.

In recognition of the climate we live in, the importance of trees, and the importance of saving water, we have also published a Water-wise tree care document.  This document outlines why watering your trees is important, how much water your tree typically requires, and other water conservation tips.